
This blog is simply a way for me to express my feelings on two ardors. That being said, it is strictly my opinions. Now to begin, here's a short introduction on each subject.

Ale: A beer, is either an ale or lager. They are determined by the brewing process, ale is created using warm-fermentation and top-fermenting yeast giving a more aggrieve taste. Lagers are brewed with cold-fermentation for a longer time using bottom-fermenting yeast.

Black Metal: Before its inception as a genre, Black Metal was (and still is) a term for bands that focus on primitive stylings, evil / occult lyrical themes, or raw production. Examples of this so-called '1st Wave of Black Metal' include Bathory, Hellhammer, and many others. These bands became the seeds of what was to be known as the '2nd Wave of Black Metal.' 
 In the early '90s a group of Norwegians decided to combat the commercial force Death Metal had become. Objecting to Death Metal's stylings they embraced the paragons of their forefathers (1WoBM). Negating technical riffs and deep growls they replaced them with barbaric riffs and witchy screams. The final touch was atmosphere, creating a grim environment through cold production, monotone drumming, and using their country's beautiful landscape and rich folklore / history as musical inspiration. This was the '2nd Wave of Black Metal,' and the beginning of a new genre.
 Today Black Metal has grown into a vast genre incorporating elements of ambient, folk, progressive, rock and roll, symphonic, and even its inaugural enemy Death Metal.

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